Orchid Image SDOHybridList
Orchid ID
Orchid Cross Name Full
Phalaenopsis Sapphire's Spotted Dragon
Orchid Cross Parents
(Phal. Salu Peoker 'A#1' HCC/AOS X Phal. Princess Kaiulani '420 Red' 4n)

Beautiful variety in this cross ranging from dark red to some really fun yellow, orange and red patterns.

Pod Parent:
Orchid Image Pod Parent
Pollen Parent:
Orchid Image Pollen Parent

Orchid Details:
Orchid Genus: 
Orchid Grex/Cultivar: 
Sapphire's Spotted Dragon
Orchid Pod Parent: 
P. Salu Peoker 'A#1' HCC/AOS
Orchid Pollen Parent: 
P. Princess Kaiulani '420 Red' 4n

Orchid Cross Registered Date: 
Orchid Cross Registered By: 
R. A. Shepherd
Ploidy Data:

When available, information on Ploidy and Chromosome Counts.

Orchid Ploidy: 

Chromosome Photo: